Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project Organize

A while back I wrote about my upcoming venture as an "organizational consultant".

Here is the scene:

Organizational Challenges:
-300 square foot studio
-no built in closets and limited kitchen cupboards
-mother and sister who live with her from time to time when they visit from mainland China (plus the stuff they leave there)
-75+ shoes, 40+ handbags, and a massive wardrobe
-a fast- paced urban lifestyle involving a lot of coming/ going and international travel

Organizational Strengths:
-Great open floor plan
-Beautiful windows facing HK Harbor, giving a more spacious feel
-Built- in storage under the bed and raised floor
-Rose was enthusiastic, decisive, and efficient in getting the job done

The first time I met with Rose we spent over two hours sorting and made some progress, but there was still a lot of piles left. Rose was so motivated and capable that she kept at the process of giving away, throwing away and sorting her things for the next few weeks.
When I returned today a lot of progress had been made. We vacuum sealed and stored her out of season clothes, and organized/ re- arranged her desk and kitchen. Things are starting to fall into place and it is amazing the sense of peace and calm in the flat. She has a beautiful view that was hard to enjoy before. There are still some projects remaining such as creating a filing system and hanging hooks in her entry way. We also talked about systems she could use to maintain order and organization on a daily basis so things don't get out- of- hand.
It was really fun to see a transformation and make a new friend. Rose is such a beautiful, giving person that it made the experience really fun.

Here is one corner of her flat where her desk and closet are.

The closet is now behind the curtain and she now has a peaceful space to have quiet time with the Lord.

1 comment:

jeniferkarianne said...

Good job! That's awesome. I'm really amazed though that someone would live in 300 sq feet and have ANYONE live with them. Wow.