I am in major simplify and downsize mode as we prepare to leave Hong Kong and live out of suitcases for a year. It has really made me think about what we truly NEED. Certainly living in 600 sq feet has been good training for our family.
Here are some things I have lived without at various times in my life since getting married
-TV- 2 years
-vacuum cleaner- 4 years
-microwave- 2 years
-oven- 4 years
-car- 5 years
-car seats (gasp. . . except in America)- 3 years
-clothes dryer- 2 years
-home phone- 5 years
-central heating- 5 years
-built in closets- 5 years- garbage disposal (not a big deal) 5 years
-hot water in the kitchen sink (actually a big deal)- 1 year
-dishwasher (wait for it)- 9 years!!
Things I have learned
- how to cook a big assortment of meals just on a stove top
- how to bake practically anything in a toaster oven
- how to use a broom and mop
- tricks to drip- drying laundry
- how can shop and get home groceries (among other unusual and awkward things) without the help of a car
-how to hand wash dishes, over and over and over and over again - what a lesson!
NEXT year in Africa at different times I will learn what it is like to live with:
- unpredictable electricity supply
- unclean water source from the tap
- hand washing all clothes and diapers
- no air conditioning in crazy heat
- probably more I'm unaware of right now (;
Here is my top five list of things I could not (would not really) want to live without right now:
1. computer with Internet
2. a stroller
3. electricity
4. cell phone
5. hot shower
How about you? What have you lived without? What can you not live without?
You are my hero, your whole family.
Making me realize I am very spoiled.
I definitely would need: my family, cameras, computer....and food that isn't too bizarre. And a shower...see? I could never do survivor!
If it's not too cold (as I'm assuming Africa isn't), I think I could live without hot showers...if I'm always sweating. Ew, though.
I would want a phone (cell or landline), a camera, internet at least twice a week, radio, books. (obviously I'm assuming you have decent food and adequate bug spray)
Good luck!!!
YAY CHRISTINE!!!!!! Oh, I loved this post! We also really became aware of what we didn't need last year - it's goofy to be around friends that have never lived without so many of the things you listed, and who honestly think those are necessities! I have to watch myself, I could fall back into that so easily too! My "always hope to have": a dishwasher. We would only eat PBJ's if I didn't have one! And something I wish I NEVER had to have - a cell phone. :) STRESS ME OUT! AND - I love the new pic at the top! Can we visit some time about what your plans are next year? Hearing a little bit on this post is tugging on my curiosity!!!!
have raised a family WITHOUT:
TV or any DVD attachement:15 years
TV with stations: 25 years
dishwasher:25 years
microwave:28 years
Heat in Wisconsin house other than wood cookstove: 20 years
I'm so excited for you and your upcoming trip!
Lived without? Let's see...
Bathroom-3 weeks
Kitchen-6 months
Electricity in half the house-1 week
Washer/Dryer-1 yr
TV- 20yrs
AC/Heating- 18yrs
What could I not live without? Well, nothing really, but family and computer and phone are my top three "couldn't" live without list...
in my army days in south east asia
1. no phone
2. no hot water
3. no ice cream
4. no computer
5. internet didn't exist
6. electricity sometime
7. no a/c or heat
8. no place to worship or fellowship
9. no way to see or hear loved ones
10.no tv
Things today I couldn't live without.
1. fellowship with Gods family and contact with my own family.
2. A place to worship
Great list! Loved it.
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