Sunday, September 21, 2008

Shatin House of Refuge

Last spring Jason and his friend Bryan bought a flat in Hong Kong (Shatin) together as a real estate investment. The Lord had bigger plans than we did . . . so rather then renting it out, the apartment has been used for a refugee ministry by our small group. This power point was adapted from a brochure we developed to share what we're doing. My favorite is the photo of Johnny and Galant. We have really grown to love them and they love Josiah! Whenever they come over to our house, they head straight for him and hold him the whole night. We are in the process of getting a blog up and running for our PLUS group, we will set it as one of our links if you want to track what is going on.

Shatin House Of Refuge
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1 comment:

Sara said...

You are amazing people :)
Everyone that knows you seems so blessed!