Because life has been a bit of a blur, I haven't taken time to do any New Years reflecting, planning, or goal making. But God has been doing that for me. Yesterday morning as a crawled out of my comfortable bed, down the elevator and into the cold, dark morning to run I was not expecting God to speak to me. But in my numb, robotic state I began to hear God's voice- He probably knows this in the only time I am still enough to listen! I sensed that He was telling me 2011 will be a year to face fears. As I picked up my pace a bit (thank you chilly morning) I rolled this over in my head and thought of three events on the horizon that induce fear in me. . .
1. Getting lasik surgery on my eyes (freaks me out a bit)
2. Jumping off the Macau tower for my 30th birthday (seriously terr-i-fi-es me!)
3. Spending six months in Africa with our family, trusting the Lord with health and safety factors beyond our control (definitely the scariest on the list)
My mind wandered (as it often does these days) to thoughts of malaria, financial limitations and the overwhelming realities of poverty in Africa. Soon my run brought me me to the ocean and right above the Tolo Harbor was the most beautiful, perfectly round, bright orange moon I have ever seen. It was seriously enormous and I gasped when I beheld its beauty. It only lasted for a few minutes that set behind the black mountains.
Of course, had I stayed in the tempting comfort of my bed I would have missed this incredible display of God's beauty. At that moment I got it. God is asking me to step out this year BUT not because he needs me and not to make me miserable. God wants to show me more about himself. He has more things for me to lay hold of. If I stay in the warm comfort of familiarity I will miss them. Looking at the moon I knew I don't want to miss anything God has for me.
So even though I am the world's biggest chicken (really). . . I'm going out on a limb~ cause that's where the fruit is.
We really do need to talk...God is teaching me a lot of the same things, and I'd LOVE to know how to be praying for you more specifically, and hear where your heart is in all of this. Do you have a good time to chat?! I'm so excited to see how all this turns out!
Well, I won't be able to get lasik sugery with you, but I am looking forward to JUMPING!!!
So inspired! Can't wait to see what he does in your life this year. It will be amazing, usually it is when it is out of our comfort zone.
Please get a video of you jumping. I want to see that :)
I have to this Christine's point of view? Or Jason's??
Oh sorry. . .I (Christine) wrote this
How humbling and inspiring these words are...and good for you for listen to our Lord and accepting what comes and what may come. Since I have been reading your blog, I have added Hong Kong to my weather list on my iPhone. I check the weather app daily for all of my cities that I have listed there and wonder what you guys are doing at that exact time. Can't wait to see what 2011 brings you!
Sounds like your family has many great adventures in store this year, yet again. I can't wait to hear all about them :).
ok...just checking :)
I knew your husband was a big runner, so I wasn't quite sure!
You better have someone video tape your jump!! Awesome!
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