Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dear Baby,

It was such a delight to see you at the doctor's office today. Your size has doubled in the last two weeks and you are now about four inches long. Tears streamed down my face as I watched you wiggle and dance inside of me. You kept waving your arm to say "hi mom" and I said hi back. I could see your ten perfectly formed toes and fingers. Your little legs were busy kicking, occasionally pausing to cross your heels and take a rest. My heart beat more quickly as I watched yours flutter quickly in your chest. The doctor thought he could already tell you sex, but is waiting two more months to tell us. I can't believe how much I love you already and that in six short months I will be holding you in my arms.

Much Love,

**Take our poll to cast your vote on whether Baby is a boy or girl**


Jennifer said...

That is such a beautiful letter to the baby. That is an awesome ultrasound too. You can really see everything.

Sara said...

2 more months till they tell you?
doesn't that make you crazy??!

it's always such a miracle to see those ultrasounds ;)
I am voting boy!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! So beautiful, and such a beautiful letter :) I'm voting GIRL!!! You need some more estrogen over there, and I need another girl-someone to get giddy and giggly with :)

The Schmidts said...

I think you're having a girl--I've seen ultrasound pics that are very obviously boy and it did not look like there was anything between umbilical cord and legs. That is my very scientific analysis. :) Rhiannon

Matt said...

it is definitely a boy... got to maintain Paine family male dominance

gerry said...

I did a close up on the picture, trying to see any evidence of your sex. Not sure, could be a boy...but then I'm only 50% sure. Whatever you are, you are already loved. Can't wait for you to join our family.

Dana said...

Christine...what a beautiful letter! I'm so excited for you!!! :)

I'm commenting on all your new posts on this one since my computer is so slow! ...I love the pictures of little Josiah the future Olympian! So cute...

I wish I could hear him talk...I'm sure it's precious! I love that he can say Jack Jack! :)

Blessings to you! Miss you tons and tons and tons! (That's a lot!)

Gramma Batson said...

Congratulations. Haven't been on your blog for awhile, so missed the news. Saw your note on Rhiannon's blog. I am voting for a girl this time :)