Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Too Skinny?

Been called a twig, beanstalk, pole, waife? Don't put up with that any longer. You too can gain 25% of your body weight in one month. Just go on the Josiah diet. Sleep for 2 hours eat for one and repeat eight times daily. Make sure your food consists of 50% fat. Don't walk or exercise, just kick your legs around and flail your arms. Yes that triple chin you've always wanted will come in no time at all! While Jumbo is not an endearing term we use for Josiah yet, we are happy he tipped the scales at 7lbs 12 oz after one month. Kids, they grow like weeds!

1 comment:

Matt said...

way to fight with those pleged with skinnyism. i will take your message to heart and with sleep and excessive food. i have always wanted to shake my head twice with one movement. now my dreams can be realized.