Thursday, May 9, 2013

Back to Normal (whatever that is)

After a month of visitors and life- turned- upside- down,  May marks our new "normal." Here are some moments from the last week.

 We'll start with the newest member of the family. High Five is still with us (thank you Jesus!) and enjoying his new and improved tank and heat lamp

The second newest member of the family got her passport in the mail yesterday!  She is proud of be an American! It is always such an ordeal to get a decent passport photo of a newborn and this one took several attempts at a photoshop with the world's slowest photographer. But we got it. Nice to know we can take her along with us (: We are not going to the states this summer, but our next trip will be to the Philippines in July. 
 I am trying to enjoy my last month with Annette at home while Josiah's at school.  She is quite a companion and always full of ideas of how we can spend time together.  Yesterday her idea was pedicures. Today her idea was a wedding. "Mom, I want a wedding. But who will I wedding?"
 I have to throw this photo in there. You may remember that bugs have been a theme around here. Then look whose been hanging out on our balcony!!  I'm pretty sure we don't have these in Southern California!
 Josiah has been showing more of an interest in reading and writing these days.  I am trying to kick start the teacher in me to help him in these skills. This week we finally mastered the tricky letter s.
Jason is taking the lead on outdoor education by transitioning Josiah to a two wheeler. He taped a broom handle to the bike and they've been going up and down the bike path this way. 

Today is my birthday and so far I've gotten two amazing gifts.
 1. SUN!! After 7 weeks straight of rain (that's right people) God gave us an out-of- the forecast sunny day. I was so excited I made Josiah stop and take this photo, see- shadows! Sun is like medicine for my soul and it felt like a personal gift from God
2. SMILE!! Annabelle flashed me her first wide- mouthed, toothless smile today. She must have known it was my special day (I'm sure it had nothing to do with feeling good after spitting up milk all over me!) I didn't capture Annabelle's smile, but here is one last sweaty photo of Annette on the train. Hope your  "normal" days are full of sun and smiles too!



Emily Thompson said...

yeah for "normal" lives with three kids in crazy Hong Kong... Glad to be along for the ride with you :o)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Christine!

gerry said...

Harry checked on google and a leopard tortoise can live 80 yrs and get to be 18". Good luck high 5 Love the photos -what special presents,, no one else could give those to you!:)

Angela said...

ooo! yes, indeed. Glad your birthday was sunny!

Dana said...

Glad you had a great birthday! And of course High Five is still alive... if Jason continues to monitor his sleeping patterns, he's sure to have a long, prosperous, and enjoyable life. :)