Our world is lost. This city is so lost. Sometimes in the day to day routine or life, I forget the level of despair and hopelessness that defines the lives of many people around me. I get fooled by their handbags, designers shoes, and busy schedules that mask the intense hollowness of life without Jesus (95% of HK doesn’t know Him).
This week a woman hurled her four year old daughter off the balcony of a shopping mall and then jumped herself. By God’s grace the girl was caught in a suicide net, but the mother crashed to her death. By- standers report that the woman and her husband were having an argument over the girl’s future education. The woman felt that because they could not afford to send her to an international school that there was no hope for her life.
The crazy thing is, people in Hong Kong really can be that intense. These people do not know hope, only fear. I see the work of Satan all over events like this. John 10:10 says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” It makes me angry to see the enemy killing and destroying lives in my city. True hope- Life- cannot be found apart from Jesus. Education, finances, and status, can never bring this kind of security. Praise Jesus that our hope for eternity is rooted in Him and nothing can take that away. Again I am challenged, how can I share this hope that I have with the people in Hong Kong? We are all so in need of Jesus.
how very sad...
I think baby Paine's middle name should be Hope.
Wow...I love you.
wow...so sad. thanks for sharing your heart. I'll be praying for God to continue to open doors for you to share His hope...you're an amazing servant of His, and I miss you!
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