Tuesday, December 3, 2013

8 Months

 Annabelle decided to spice up her monthly photo shoot with a new pose. Here is a little bit about our busy 8 month old. She. . . .
- just learned how to clap and can wave bye bye, although she won't do either on command
- is happiest when she is crawling. She is silent, stealthy and fast!
- can pull herself up to standing and will walk across the room if you hold her hands
- has the ability to locate and pick up the tinniest pieces off the floor
-  now has 7 teeth
- isn't our most enthusiastic eater but likes yogurt, sweet potatoes, pears, peas, and cheerios
- does not like hoods, having her face wiped or taking medicine
-  loves balls, riding in the shopping cart, peek-a-boo, daddy, bath time and being tickled
- is still sleeping in our bedroom and wakes up 2-4 times a night to nurse (ugh)
- is super flexible and is happy even out of routine, like our 14 hour day at Disneyland last week


gerry said...

love the pose-fits the outfit!

Emily Thompson said...

that last photo is a Christmas framer ;o)