Apparently we’ve had a slow leak in two of our tires. No surprise that I didn’t notice as I am too distracted while driving to be bothered with such details (“stop touching your sister”, stay on the left side of the road, “almost there baby”, which lane do I need, “no you can’t have a snack now”, stay on the left etc. . . ) After repairing the tires today I couldn’t believe how differently the car rode. All smooth and perky.
Sometimes I feel like I have a slow leak. I get so used to functioning in a tired, get- through- the- day, go- through- the- motions sort of way, that I forget what it feels like to be "filled up". I don’t see the leak. I don’t even know it is there. But I am riding low.
I named this blog “In the Moment” when Josiah was born because I so wanted to cherish what was right in front of me. Most summers we go back to our parents’ homes in America. It’s kind of like we’re still in college. We eat their food, ride in their cars, and relax on their patios. Pretty awesome. Staying in Hong Kong this summer, I am afraid I won’t get that break. My days can feel like meal- clean up- meal- clean up- meal clean up or pack bag- unpack- pack- unpack or diaper- spit up- diaper- spit up. As much as these things are necessary, they can “leak” the life out of me. Yesterday God whispered to me "taste and see that I am good". So my goal for the summer is to live full. To sing in the elevators (great acoustics), laugh at the messes, splash in the pool, savor the ice cream and live fully alive.
floating a cereal box boat
getting to hold the wheel on our sanpan boat ride
May you enjoy the moment this summer!