Monday, April 22, 2013

Grandma 'n Grandpa Are Here!

We have had a great first week with Jason's parents visiting all the way from San Diego!! They came loaded with two suitcases full of fun, fun, fun exclusively for their grandkids.  Josiah and Annette's favorite things to do are "projects" with Grandma and Grandpa, so they have all four been kept very busy. Of course Annabelle's favorite thing to do is snuggle. Here are a few shots from our last week . . 

 Hiking to a waterfall in Tai Po

Jason and I are still a little bleary eyed as we get used to being a family of five. We are still just taking one day at a time as we learn to juggle being out- numbered. We both love this newborn stage and are enjoying it immensely, while trying to laugh together to off- set the stress/ fatigue. Here is a top ten list Jason wrote last week. . . 

Top Ten Signs You are Living with a Newborn
1. you start using words like breast, uterus, poop etc on a regular basis in public
2. you throw a mini celebration every time the baby fills its diaper
3. you become an overprotective ogre
4. you reply "good night" after a college greets you with "good morning"
5. you crash your motorcycle because you forgot your kickstand (yes he did)
6. you put your dirty laundry away in the refrigerator
7. getting out of the house is tantamount to a space shuttle rocket launch
8. the baby has the best "tan" in the house in the middle of a rainy spring
9. it becomes apparent that the older siblings' decibel level constantly hovers near 200
10. lots of cuddles with God's little gift