Saturday, July 16, 2011


Jason and I love being spontaneous, but have come to learn 1 and 3 year olds prefer routine. One thing we've loved about having a car this month is the ability to explore more spontaneously. On Friday Jason picked me up from school and our two tired tots were asleep before we got home.

Seizing the opportunity I spontaneously grabbed some frappacinos from Starbucks and we drove our little bug almost to the China border. We pulled off the road at one point to have a good conversation at a vista overlooking a waterfall.

Around this time the kids woke up, but in the spirit of spontaneity we decided to stop by Tai Mei Tuk on the way home for a Friday afternoon bike ride. 30 minutes was all our kids really needed, but it was so refreshing and beautiful.

Josiah put his arm protectively around Annette- so sweet!

By the time the bike ride was over our lack of planning had caught up to us and we had a a baby in a soggy diaper and a starving little boy. It was so nice to zip home rather that wait for the bus and train.

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