Friday, January 3, 2014

9 Months

 Oh Annabelle, what to say?! We have been brought to our knees by this cute little bundle of energy. In case I ever said she was an easy baby you can now strike that from the record. Since she started crawling at 6 months has been into ev- re- thing. She gets what you think she couldn't, swallow what she shouldn’t and stealthily live on the edge every second of the day. Annabelle can stand for a couple seconds unsupported and is all to eager to walk.

Then there is the whole matter of sleep.  This girl just doesn’t need much. Some days she survives on 2, 20 minute naps all day. She will stand and cling to her crib screaming even in the tiredest of states. Don’t ask me how many times she wakes up at night (seriously don’t) or how often she bites me while nursing (seriously really don’t).  Some nights she just wants to party at 3 am. But Jason makes me amazing lattes in the morning. 

Lest I fail to mention some of the other quirks of our sweet Annabelle, here is a little more on our 9 month old. She. . .
  • seems understands her name, mama, dada, up, no, clap, more and all done
  • bites when she’s tired
  • isn’t crazy about pureed food, but loves to feed herself
  • is no whimp- we’ve been surprised at some little bumps she taken without even crying
  • has developed some stranger anxiety and usually wants mama
  • loves to crawl around the house carrying things in her mouth like a little puppy dog

1 comment:

Sara said...

She is changing so much.
I see that twinkle in her eye though ;)
Reminds me of a particular little girl at my house. Molly challenged us in every way as well...but it's made her who she is today, and we think she's pretty awesome!