Monday, June 21, 2010

This is what happens . . .

. . . when the Paine brothers get together (we love you Uncle Matt and Uncle Mike)

Does anyone have a caption for the look on Jason's face?!


Amy LaVonne said...

HA! That's seriously HILARIOUS! The first one looks like it can't even be real, he looks like he's so high....and loving every second of it, huh?!?! Miss you guys!

Amy LaVonne said...

Oops, that last one's from Nicole :)

Sara said...

"When I said we were flying out to California, I actually meant Josiah would be on a PLANE!"

Jennifer said...

Super Josiah. That is such a great action shot. I keep looking at it and I am amazed how high up he looks.

Heidi said...

Soooo cool! "what are you doing to my son" I know he wasn't actually worried but it looks like he is in the picture! I hope we get to see you very sooooooon!!!!! xoxo

Emily Thompson said...

haha! Nice! Fun uncles ;o)

HM said...

A shocked flight instructor!

student Josiah is progressing well in his aerial maneuvers taking after his uncle Matt who went skydiving this week.

Bobbie said...

josiah is not a bit worried about flying high without a parachute, so why is dad so terified?! lol