Saturday, June 6, 2009

That's what I get. . .

for using the words "subtle" and "natural" with my Cantonese speaking hair dresser. He energetically nodded and repeated the word "lowlights, lowlights, can do" and proceded to dye my entire head a gray, greenish, slightly purplish color. This is a nightmare. Of course I cried. It has taken me two years to grow my hair to the length I like and I am afraid I will have to cut it off now. Does anyone know how many times you can dye your hair before it falls out? I'm going to wear hats and pony tails for a week and then have a professional try to fix in when we're in CA next week.
Ahh, California where there are no cockroaches and everyone speaks English (almost). Right now I'm off to the shower to see if 10 shampoos will drain out some of the color.


Sara said...

you HAVE to post a picture...
Good thing you are coming to L.A...
There will be 1000 hairdressers who can "fix" may cost a lot of money, but they can fix it! and I am sure you are still beautiful!

Meredith said...

Yes, picture please!

I once accidentally dyed my hair the color of Jennifer Garner's hair in the first episode of Alias (yep, that ridiculously bright red) and then dyed "over it" less than 12 hours later. It actually ended up being my favorite hair color ever in the end, but I did have to deep condition for a while after that. Of course I do now suffer from occasional bouts of alopecia... though I don't know that it's connected to the dying history (I haven't dyed in years).

I've also heard washing your hair with Tide can bring out an unwanted dye job.

Wish we could see you all in CA. Have a great trip!! :)

Elizabeth said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about your hair. : / I don't know about how much you can dye...sorry for no advice. I pray you can find a place in CA that can fix everything to your liking. Thank God you're going there soon!

Angela said...

oh sister! oh sister! sounds like something I would do too. Remember you and Jason highlighting my hair with tinfoil? Wish I could be there attempting to tinfoil yours... hmmm... or at least finding cute ways of tying it up with scarfs (that would prob be better)...i think you are beautiful indeed :)