Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Fabulousness

 I can hardly handle the cuteness of Annabelle these days! She has so much personality and is really tons of fun. She is talking more and more now and her favorite expressions are "wow!" and "yay!" She is definitely her mother's daughter!

 Can you guess who inspired our pumpkin grin this year?
Today we had our annual costume party at Mom's Group. Here is Annette with her main squeeze Max.
Happy Fall Ya'll!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Umbrella Revolution

It's funny that after my last post on how we hadn't gone down to the protests, that this weekend we decided to take a trip to go check them out. Traffic is a nightmare on Hong Kong island due to many street closures so we parked in Kowloon, crossed by ferry and hoofed it all over the island. Our outing was definitely sweetened with the incentive of checking out a new California style Mexican joint, yum!
There were not 50,000 protestors on the street as there had been previously, but still hundreds of tents were set up and there was a lot to look at

We were so impressed by how organized everything was. There were garbage and recycling centers, cell phone charging centers and even a little library and people offering free math tutoring services!

Josiah added his blessing for HK to the wall

We were so glad that we went out. Not only was it an enjoyable, beautiful evening but we got to experience a piece of history. We had some good talks with the kids about democracy, how governments view people and which systems align with how God views people. We even discussed appropriate and inppropriate forms of protests and when it is important to take a stand. Hopefully they don't start exercising these practices with bedtime and vegetable protests anytime soon!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's October!!

Hello October!! This is one of my favorite months in Hong Kong!! Lots of sunny days and still warm enough to swim, but it no longer feels like we live in a sauna. There has been a cooler breeze in the mornings which is absolutely glorious. This post is going to be a smattering of random photos to fill in the gaps from the last couple weeks. The biggest event was our friends the Sauders visiting from Cambodia. We absolutely LOVED seeing them and traipsing around Hong Kong with them.  We had so much fun that I barely have a photo from our whole time together (what happened?)

I started back in school for the first time in a decade. So far I am loving my first graduate class and the chance to sweep some cobwebs off my mom- brain. This is my office while Annabelle takes her afternoon nap

Here is Annabelle's signature eyebrow look
On special nights before bed daddy gives the kids a geography lesson on the big map in their room. They love it (of course kids love most things that delay bedtime)

 We've been doing some fall baking (with the air conditioning on). This pie turned out so delish
 Hong Kong had a crazy historic week of protests. Can you find us? Just kidding we weren't there, but we sure heard a lot about it
 I found Annabelle doing this
Flashback to 2010- here is Josiah doing the exact same thing!!!
And his happened. 
 The boys have been having fun planning what to build with this pallet
 We daily watch the progress on this house being built behind us
 Anybody have  a caption for this face?
 This is what happens after you've been friends with someone for 8 years, you start rubbing off on each other

 Our kids fight a lot. Like way too much. But every once in a while a moment like this spontaneously happens and we're reminded that we all love each other. Thank you Jesus for those moments!