Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Disney Grand Marshals

God has been building my faith lately through some fun (silly even) answered prayers. Knowing that our passes were expiring and yesterday would be our last trip to Disneyland in a while, I prayed that our family would be chosen to be the Grand Marshals in the parade. Who does that? Evidently I have some inner- princess that wants out. Well, out of the 30,000 people in the park yesterday we were chosen! What fun!!

 We were really given the VIP treatment with the kids given notebooks, balloons and personalized mickey hats!  Here is a family photo in the waiting lounge where we hung out. (Sadly I only had my phone to take photos on). Here are Sarah and Calvin walking us to the parade start.
 The kids waved with these giant Mickey hands as we drove down Main Street. Josiah even had two classmates at the park that day we got to wave to.

 My favorite part is that Annabelle not only kept her hat on, but she got so excited at all the smiling faces that she started waving!! What a precious memory.
 And if that wasn't enough Annette got to meet 3 princesses. As we were walking to the car she said, "Mom, I wish the day could start over because it was so fun!"


Sara said...

This makes my Disney heart happy!

Rhiannon said...

What fun! -Rhiannon

HM said...

I think its neat how God likes to give wonderful
experiences to his children, and it just shows how much he loves us.

HM said...

I think its neat how God likes to give wonderful
experiences to his children, and it just shows how much he loves us.