Monday, May 27, 2013

A Piece of "Home"

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  I had a little pity- party yesterday because I wanted to be in America (phooey!) either with all my family at Papa's 90th birthday party or at the annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival. Although it has probably been a decade since I've been to this small- town event, my heart (and Jason's) are filled with precious memories of Memorial Day weekends in "the village".

This morning the kids and I were in the "grumpy grocery store" as I call it (I usually try to avoid this store because the crowded isles, bad produce and smells tend to make mommy grumpy) and we found strawberries from Santa Maria, California (home!!!) It felt personal that God sent the Strawberry Festival to me in Hong Kong!

And they are yummy. . . I'm thinking strawberry daiquiris tonight!


gerry said...

I love it! What a great piece of the central coast! God couldn't take you to the strawberry festive,but He could bring the strawberries to you. Just like Him to meet even our home sick wants

Sara said...


Matt said...

Wow, I can't even get strawberries from Santa Maria. Love the pic of old town. Good memories of video games at Klondike, swinging the swinging bridge and Ira's.

BYW... what is up with the camel in the pic!

Matt said...
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